I Cannot Send e-mails in Thailand

Cannot send e-mails lately? It was working last night, but not work today?

We receive these kind of questions almost every day. ISP in Thailand were always under the pressure by spammers, sending hundred and thousands e-mails every day. Many virus infected computers in internet cafés and offices, equipped with pirated copies of anti virus software do not help situation at all.

TOT and TT&T in Pattaya found a way to eliminate this problem by blocking all third party SMTP servers. Most people who have own web sites, use those servers to send and receive e-mails.

In most cases, own SMTP severs look like smtp.mydomain.com and use port 24 for outgoing e-mails. This port could be firewalled by your ISP. To be able to send e-mails out in Pattaya, you need to change your own SMTP server to server, provided by TOT or TT&T.

  • TOT: smtp.totisp.net
  • TT&T: smtp.tttmaxnet.com

When switching to your ISP severs in Pattaya, do not forget to disable SMTP sever authentication. You can do that by deselecting  “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication” box, usually located under “more settings” tab related to your e-mail client account configuration.

In Bangkok, you should use following SMTP servers for sending e-mails, depending on your Internet Service Providers (ISP). Please note, that in this case, SMTP authentication is not required and should be de-selected.

  • A-Net: mail.a-net.net.th
  • Asia Access: bkk1.asiaaccess.net.th
  • Asia Infonet: classic.asianet.co.th
  • CS Loxinfo: mail.cscoms.com
  • Data Line Thai: mail.linethai.co.th
  • FarEast Internet: mail.fareast.net.th
  • Idea Net: mail.idn.co.th
  • Infonews: smtp.infonews.co.th
  • Internet Thailand: mozart.inet.co.th
  • KSC: ksc.th.com
  • Loxinfo: mail.loxinfo.co.th
  • Samart: smtp.samart.co.th
  • Siam-It Online: mail.siamit.co.th
  • True: mail.truemail.co.th
  • TOT: smtp5.totonline.net
  • World Net: mail.wnet.net.th
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